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  Press Room  

Kudos to the American press for making Heritage the most widely cited think tank in the United States. Appearing frequently on television and radio, our personnel also generate a nonstop flow of op-ed pieces for newspapers. At the same time, we produce a blizzard of press releases, position papers, news conferences and seminars aired on C-SPAN. For good measure, Heritage headquarters has a radio studio that serves as a convenient broadcast facility for talkshow hosts from around the country who want to beam their live programs home from Washington.

The Heritage Foundation is notable for the shrewd way it spends money: spending much of our budget on an ongoing PR campaign that targets news media across the United States. Forty-two percent of our budget goes to media and government relations or public education programs.

In the News :

Heritage trains the media
Reporters on assignment in Washington who need telephone access and email services need look no further than the Media Visitors Center. Location: the Heritage Foundation.

Right, Center Think Tanks Still Most Quoted
Heritage work pays off
A study of media citations of think tanks in 2004—the 10th year of collecting such data—finds that think tanks of the right and center still predominate, despite a slight increase in citations of left-leaning think tanks.

The Media's Favorite Think Tank: How the Heritage Foundation Turns Money into Media
Based in a spacious brick building a few blocks from the Capitol,the Heritage Foundation is running the most effective media operation in American politics.

The Improvement of Social Security: How Cato and Heritage paved the way for privatization

For many years, Social Security was supposed to be the third rail of American politics--not to be touched by officials who valued their political lives.

Inside the News Shapers: New book describes think tanks' media strategy

The dominance of right-wing think tanks and policy analysts in the media is a quantifiable fact. (See Extra!, 5-6/00.) But how does this happen, and what are the consequences?

Heartland Heritage: Heritage helps local think tanks develop own research
Conservative think tanks patterned after the highly successful Washington, D.C.-based American Enterprise Institute (1996 revenues: $16.5 million) and Heritage Foundation (1996 revenues: $28.7 million) opened up around the United States during the 1980s and early 1990s almost as quickly as Starbucks.



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Educational Dilemmas

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"Friendship is that which powers the subtlest impulse to flower into a movement of millions."

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